I had a rather enjoyable time making something from nothing. I learned about blogging, promoting a blog, how to grow an audience, marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO), to name a few things.
Oh yeah, and I learned a lot about beer! I definitely didn't post everything I learned, even though that was originally the intent when I got started. I got to try a lot of great-tasting beers over the years. Problem is, I was learning faster and tasting more than I was able to devote the time to blog about.
The content of this blog, JustinsBrewReview.blogspot.com, will be available to you as long as the host (Blogspot/Blogger) is around. I hope that you find it to be a good resource. I also plan to maintain my social media presence, at least for a time. Updates will be beer-related, of course, and will likely be geared mainly toward events, news, happenings, etc. local to the greater York, PA area. You can read all of my blog posts related to the York, PA area here.
A hat tip to my mother-in-law, Gina, who encouraged me to venture into the world of blogging almost 3 years ago. And a big thank you to my entire family who supported my efforts. A great big, huge thank you to my wife, Diana, who put up with my antics the most. She was very understanding of my "need" to take a picture of every single beer I tried, and she was always patient while I made my tasting notes.
And now, a resounding "thank you" to my readers. Thank you for reading and for making this blog a success. I had a great time learning, tasting, writing, and then reading your comments here and on social media. I appreciate the connections that I've made with some of you, and I hope that you will stay in touch.
May the road rise up to meet you.Prost!
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
--traditional Gaelic blessing

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